


�Pע�ȣ�319 ���S�ȣ�10 ���vָ��(sh��)��379


�˚⣺1409 �l(f��)���r�g��2016-11-02 16:43






Model CM-800α-PG ��̖ 3532
�y���˶� P.G.
�y������ P.G. 0.0 �� 90.0%

���Y(ji��)�ض� 0 �� -50�� / 32 �� -60°F
�ض� 5 �� 100�� / 41 �� 212°F

��С�@ʾֵ P.G. 0.1%
���Y(ji��)�ض� 1�� / 1°F
�ض� 1�� / 1°F
�y�����_�� P.G. ±0.4%
���Y(ji��)�ض� ±1�� / ±1°F
�ض�±1�� / ±1°F
�y���ض� 5 �� 100��
�h(hu��n)���ض� 5 �� 40��
ݔ�� RS-232C ,DC 4 to 20mA �c��Һ����|�IJ��|(zh��) ���R : ���� 
���R�� : SUS316L
�Դ DC24V
�ߴ����� 16×17×11����, 2.4ǧ�� 
�x� *У���C : Ոֱ���c ATAGO“(li��n)�j.

See below for other accessories. 
See here for fitting options.

��� �Դݔ���|�� (1m) [*1]



AC adapter Stand

The AC adapter used to convert AC100 - 240V to DC24V and to supply power to the CM-800α.

AD-32 (AC100V)
AD-33 (AC110 to 120V)
AD-34 (AC220 to 240V)

Stand for mounting the CM-800α and the AC adapter.

Parts No. Names
RE-5635 Recorder output cable with 1 connector (5m)
RE-5636 Recorder output cable with 1 connector (10m)
RE-5638 Recorder output cable with 1 connector (15m)
RE-5639 Recorder output cable with 1 connector (20m)
RE-5677 RS-232C output cable with connector D-sub 25pin (15m)
RE-65330 RS-232C output cable with connector D-sub 9pin (15m)
RE-5647 RS-232C output cable with connector D-sub 25pin (Within 15m)
RE-65331 RS-232C Output Cable With Connector D-sub 9pin (Within 15m)
RE-8607 Stand (Stand for mounting the CM-800α and the AC adapter.)
Cat.No.3527 AC adapter AD-32 (AC100V)
Cat.No.3528 AC adapter AD-33 (AC110 to 120V)
Cat.No.3529 AC adapter AD-34 (AC220 to 240V)

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