


�P(gu��n)ע�ȣ�699 ���S�ȣ�2 ���vָ��(sh��)��781


�˚⣺1730 �l(f��)���r(sh��)�g��2010-11-15 01:06






outside-attached ultrasonic liquid-level switch
��Fluid switch domain new overlord��wo-b Outside-attached ultrasonic
liquid-level switch
һ�wʽ/ ���wʽ
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�� ���ж�N̽�^���ȿɜy���ع�,���ֿɜy�ߜعޣ���ߜض�500�棩,��
�� Outside the pot installs, the opening, does not get angry, does not damage the shell of tank, but does not
suspend production the installment, does not suspend production the service;
�� Does the non-jack-in survey, with the medium pressure, the proportion, whether there is corrosiveness have
nothing to do with, the adaptation suRFace is broad;
�� Outside pastes the survey, the medium does not have the disturbance to the pot in or the installment, does
not have the pollution, not to have the revelation, not to have the corrosion;
�� Is suitable for the petrochemical atmospheric pressure or the high-pressured pot and the equipment, to the
hygienic request strict food pot, the medicine health pot and the strong corrosive pot, is one kind of
environmental protection measuring appliance;
�� Has many kinds of probe heads, both observable normal temperature pot, and observable high temperature
pot (maximum temperature 500��).


“(li��n)ϵ�ˣ� ���� 13911376541
“(li��n)ϵ�Ԓ�� 010-81821030
����]�䣺 [email protected]
��˾�W(w��ng)ַ�� http://www.wotey.com

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