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Wuxi snow wave environmental protection engineering company
Imports country involucrum isolation technique, Concentration, Breakaway, Makes plating, Printing and dyeing, Papermaking, Chemical industry, Steel,
Food wait for sewage reach the sign let and come back use or " Zero emission " .
At dislike oxygen, Good oxygen, Anti- nitrifies wait for water waste dispose
on, Found " Highness, In, Lowliness " Consistence rules ’s technology,
Can satisfy good quality emission, In water comes back use, Zoology renovates
wait for engineering. Especial at plating, Printings and dyeing on wait for
project, Already have did several dozens a set of electroplating effluent upgrade let and come back use. Dispose craft on plus install except heavy metal ion
utensil at original electroplating effluent, Except heavy metal ion effect
very good, Adopts import sieve materical, Need not replacing, Can washing, Repeats usage.
And Tongji University wait for colleges and universities technology cooperation
practice " Engineering design, Engineering contract, Operation service " Runs mode.
�Ԓ��?zh��n)���?/b>0510-85180646  13901519023
Telephone ands fax: 0510-85180646   13901519023